Lessons Announcement

**As of May 1, 2020**
To Parents and Students of Agape:
It is with much thought and prayer I make this challenging decision. I will be “pressing pause” on teaching horse lessons for the foreseeable future. There are several reasons, one being the uncertainty of what is ahead for many small businesses. How things can change in a day! It is impossible to socially distance yourself when teaching beginner riders on horseback. Horses also need to eat regardless of if we have lessons or not. πŸ™‚ There are multiple factors at play here, but please know it was not in our plan to stop so soon. Covid-19 threw a big wrench in the game. It also has forced people to pause and there is value in that too.

Sharing my passion with others for horses has been a dream come true and I have truly loved each and every lesson together with you! You have overcome fears, you have built your confidence, and you have learned the power of relationship with an 1,000 lb equine. That is to be celebrated! And oh how I will miss seeing so many of your faces each week! That is the hardest part for me. I want you to continue your journey of riding and have a few alternatives below on whom to contact. I could not find any Western based instructors, but here are a few options for English instruction:

Avalon Horse Farm
Lara Peterson

Nicole Martin:

β€œTo ride on a horse is to fly without wings.”

With love and gratitude,

Laura Neiheisel

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